龙爪手 2009-11-18 23:56
bluewingdgy 2009-11-19 00:50
啊多 2009-11-19 01:00
啊哈哈 这个人只是听说过 还没看见过呢 先谢谢你 然后再去看:excellence
wolfxiaoxiao 2009-11-19 14:22
心为天使动 2009-11-19 16:51
以前看过得。真的是。。。插一下减寿1一个月我也愿意啊 嘿嘿
ken_chanel 2009-11-19 16:53
支持一下楼主 这女的屁股型太美了啊 又圆又大还不下垂
bracunbra 2009-11-19 17:20
1271969546 2009-11-19 17:27
adlez 2009-11-20 00:34
zhongwudi 2009-11-20 09:46
hardwarezone 2009-11-20 10:12
dyhhd2222 2009-11-20 10:14
MG009 2009-11-20 10:18
feiw2004 2009-11-20 10:49
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ding12538 2009-11-20 10:58
Keyra Augustina is a famous but mysterious Argentinian model, as nobody really knows something about her personal information such as place or date of birth. Keyra奥古斯丁娜是著名的神秘,但阿根廷的模式,因为没有人真正了解她,如地方或出生日期的个人信息的东西。
Little is known about the true identity of the woman that calls herself 'Keyra'.知之甚少女子的真实身份调用自己'Keyra'。 Most sources agree that she is an Argentinian college student between 19 and 21 years of age.大多数人士同意,她是19至21岁阿根廷大学生。 While Maxim Argentina referred to her as "Mirna Lavagna, the illegitimate daughter of the Argentinian minister in Guatemala", others have stated that her true name could be Julieta Machado, Julieta Solecita, or Julieta Cordoba.虽然马克西姆阿根廷称为“米尔娜尤拉瓦尼亚,对危地马拉的阿根廷部长私生女的她”,其他人说,她的真实姓名可能是朱莉查多或朱莉科尔多瓦。 Supposedly, she studies Systems Engineering at the University of Moron in Laferrere, Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina, although Maxim states that she is a student at the University of Buenos Aires.据说,她在拉费雷尔大学研究系统工程,大布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷,虽然马克西姆说,她是在布宜诺斯艾利斯大学的学生。
Keyra Augustina or Keyra Agustina is the Keyra奥古斯丁娜或Keyra阿古斯蒂纳是 pseudonym of an Argentinian woman, famous for photographs and videos of herself circulating on the Internet.化名的阿根廷女子,为照片和互联网上流传的影片她自己出名。
The name Keyra Augustina is believed to come from the aliases 'Keyra' and 'Agus', which she used to post on websites such as Supertangas and Foro Argentino de Amateurs.这个名字Keyra奥古斯丁娜相信是来自别名'Keyra'和'阿古斯',这是她在网站上使用后,如Supertangas和福罗阿根廷业余团队。 Wishing to keep her online activities from her family and friends, she seldom showed her face and preferred to focus on her buttocks.希望让她的家人和朋友,她的网上活动,她很少发现她的脸,宁愿把重点放在她的臀部。 Her amateur photos and videos - which show her in various degrees of undress and provocative demeanor were shot in her own room, using only a webcam.照片以及她的业余视频-这显示出不同程度的衣服和挑衅性的风度,她被枪杀在自己的房间,只用一个摄像头。
Keyra Augustina started to gain worldwide fame and recognition as her photos were widely downloaded and distributed on the Internet. Keyra奥古斯丁娜开始获得世界声誉,并承认她的照片被广泛下载,并在互联网上传播。 Several people including Howard Stern have named her the "Best Ass on the Internet" and "Perfect Ass of the Year".包括霍华德斯特恩一些人在互联网上命名她为“最佳臀”和“年度完美臀”。
In June 2005, Maxim Argentina featured a 9-page photo spread with her. 2005年6月,马克西姆阿根廷特色的9页的照片和她的蔓延。 Later she appeared again in the August issue of Maxim US.后来,她又已出现在美国8月的马克西姆。 This happened after a sort of "exclusive contract" Keyra had with Supertangas, thus the owners of the site alleged that these shots were fake, claiming that her face never appeared in the shots, but forgetting that themselves used to manipulate her Supertangas pictures to erase or simply cut her face off the pictures, because the model didn't want to be recognized by her family, friends or boyfriend.这件事发生后,“独家合同排序”Keyra同Supertangas,从而在该网站称,这些镜头是假的业主,声称她的脸从来没有在镜头出现,但忘记了自己的用于操作她Supertangas图片清除或简单地切断了她的脸的照片,因为该模型并不想被她的家人,朋友或男朋友的承认。
halfofme 2009-11-20 11:03
yunqi 2009-11-20 11:05